Thursday, 10 February 2011

NY Training 21 - Sole mio

Technology is a mixed blessing, even for our feet. Wearing high-tech shoes every time you work out is like wearing a brace on your neck all day and then wondering why you can’t keep your head up. The importance of developing the muscles of your feet seems like a no-brainer but while we're waiting for research results, go ahead and at a convenient time, take off your shoes and walk around bare- or sock-footed. Why not right now?

Plus, tomorrow morning before you get out of bed, take a minute or two to give yourself a quick foot massage. Your whole body will thank you.

And that’s the last email. Let me know if you loved the programme, hated it, want to be taken off the list, look like Angelina, etc.

Here's more on sole training:
Click here for how to do a foot massage:


La technologie a des biens et des maux, même pour les pieds. Les chercheurs commencent reconnaitre l’importance de développer les muscles des pieds. Alors, aujourd’hui - toute suite, même - prenez un moment pour déchausser et marcher quelques minutes, pieds nus.

En plus, demain matin, avant de se lever, donnez-vous un petit massage au pied. Tout votre corps sera content.

Celui est le dernier message. Dites moi si vous avez aimé le programme, l’ai détesté, ne veut plus jamais recevoir les emails pareils, avez perdu 20 kilos, etc.

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